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Being Brave- Painting on real paper

By 1:10 AM , ,

I see myself as a maker, someone how is very creative and how can do allot of different crafts. Seeing myself as an artist is a bit harder. All the painting I did last year did help to clear that image of myself. Today I feel more like an artist and that means I take myself more seriously. One example of that is that I bought a paper pad by Arches.  

A paper pad you say, what is so special about this paper? In the world of watercolor Arches is the top brand and they make amazing paper, but it also cost more. So I have only every bought the cheaper brands, thinking I wasn't good enough. That I couldn't handle this paper. that it would be wasted. That the cost of it was to high for what i painted. So when I finally, after allot of hesitating, decided to buy it something shifted. Not only did my work look better (imagine that, it looks better on better paper...) but I also felt better that I'm one step closer to be the artist that i want to be. 

 If you read between the lines here, you know that in this case being brave is not about buying good quality watercolor paper. It's about the fact that I took myself more seriously, decided that I was worthy that cost of an Arches paper pad.

This year I'm trying to be more brave. painting more, shearing more and doing more. I don't want to sit in my pretty (and rather chilly) studio and not daring to try new things. I don't want to come up with new ideas and thinking; "I'm not good enough to paint that". I want to at least try. To be brave.

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